
Profil (59)

Kamis, 27 Februari 2020 14:46

Alumni Testimony

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Undergraduate Economics Study Program 

The Department of Economics was the first major as a marker of the birth of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, 7 September 1957. The first name of this Department was the Department of General Economics. The name of the first alumni who graduated from this department was Mr. Hasan Basri, he had been the Regent of Solok and the Regional Assistant to the Governor of West Sumatra in Bukittinggi.

The names of the next Alumni are Prof. Alfians Lains (Former Chancellor of Bung Hatta University Padang, and has also been the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University), Then there are the next names, Mr. Azhar Makmur (Former Lecturer of FE UNAND), Mr. Syahrul Syabirin (Lecturer of FE UNAND) and others.

That is, if it is calculated up to now, there are quite a number of alumni of the Department of Economics UNAND and take part in both national and international levels.

Currently, the Alumni organization of the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Economics, UNAND is known as the Cross-Alumni Association (PALANTA). Since 2018, this organization has been led by Mr. Endrizal, SE, MSi (currently Assistant II, Padang City Government).

Several activities continue to be carried out by alumni in collaboration with the Department of Economics, FE UNAND, including alumni social service activities, scholarships, seminars, and other alumni gatherings.




Head of Economics Department Alumni (2018-2023)



 Head of Magister Economics Study Program Alumni (2019-2024)



 Head of Doctor Economics Study Program Alumni (2019-2024)



Kamis, 20 Februari 2020 16:27

R center

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Welcome to the Department of Economics

Congratulations and thank you for visiting the information page of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas. We present information to help you learn and understand how to study in the various programs we offer.

The Department of Economics has a vision: "To Produce Independent and Globally Competitive Economist in 2028"

For education, we offer three programs: 1) Undergraduate Economics Study Program (UESP), 2) Magister of Economics Study Program (MESP), and 3) Doctoral of Economics Study Program (DESP). These three programs have an integrated curriculum.

This department has lecturers and researchers who have a high reputation with master's and doctoral educational qualifications, most of whom are alumni from foreign universities and reputable universities in Indonesia.

Our Undergraduate and Magister Study Programs have been certified by the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). In addition, at the national level, the Undergraduate, Magister, and Doctoral Programs have been accredited by the National Accreditation Board - Higher Education (BAN-PT) for all three are accredited "A"

This department also has a reputable research center called the Center for Finance and Development Studies (PSKP) and is always trusted to carry out research, education, and community service collaborations for local, national, and international collaborations. For the needs of scientific publications, this Department also provides scientific journals under the name Journal of Economics, Finance, and Development (JEKPI).

With the support of campus facilities that care about sustainable environmental development and have the capacity and access to sophisticated information technology, we believe that you are the right person or institution to cooperate with this department in order to improve the quality of education, teaching, research and community service for the glory of the nation and the benefits world.


Dr. Fajri Muharja



Selamat dan terima kasih telah berkunjung di laman informasi Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Andalas. Kami menyajikan informasi untuk membantu anda mempelajari dan memahami bagaimana studi di berbagai program yang kami tawarkan.

Jurusan Ilmu Ekonomi memiliki visi "Menghasilkan Ekonom yang Mandiri, dan Berdaya Saing Global Tahun 2028"

Untuk bidang pendidikan, kami menawarkan tiga program: 1) Program Studi Sarjana Ekonomi, 2) Program Studi Magister Ekonomi, dan 3) Program Studi Doktor Ekonomi. Ketiga Program ini memiliki kurikulum yang terintegrasi.

Jurusan ini memiliki dosen dan peneliti yang memiliki reputasi tinggi dengan kualifikasi pendidikan magister dan doktor yang sebagian besar merupakan alumni dari universitas luar negeri dan universitas bereputasi di Indonesia.

Program Studi Sarjana dan Magister yang kita miliki telah tersertifikasi oleh ASEAN University Network - Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). Di samping itu, untuk tingkat nasional, Program Sarjana, Magister dan Doktor telah terakreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional - Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) untuk ketiganya adalah terakreditasi "A"

Jurusan ini juga memiliki lembaga riset bereputasi dengan nama Pusat Studi Keuangan dan Pembangunan (PSKP) dan selalu dipercaya untuk melaksanakan kerjasama penelitian, pendidikan, dan pengabdian masyarakat baik untuk kerjasama lokal, nasional maupun internasional. Untuk kebutuhan publikasi ilmiah, Jurusan ini juga menyediakan jurnal ilmiah dengan nama Jurnal Ekonomi Keuangan dan Pembangunan (JEKPI).

Dengan dukungan fasilitas kampus yang peduli pembangunan lingkungan berkelanjutan serta memiliki kapasitas dan akses teknologi informasi yang canggih, Kami yakin bahwa anda adalah orang atau lembaga yang tepat bekerjasama dengan Jurusan ini dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, pengajaran, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat untuk kejayaan bangsa dan kemaslahatan dunia.


Dr. Fajri Muharja




Kamis, 13 Februari 2020 11:23

Educational Philoshophy

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The educational philosophy of UPE refers to university philosophy which is the character of Andalasian. The character of Andalasian consists of patient, empathy, honest, fair, responsible and sincere. The development of student character in question is based on 4 elements namely spiritual, knowledge, acts and altruism. The character of Andalasian plays very important role in producing graduates who have global competitiveness both nationally and internationally.[1] The educational philosophy of UPE is introduced to students when they follow the orientation period before starting lectures. It is expected that students apply the character of Andalasian in every behavior and action to be piously high competitive.


[1] UNAND's educational philosophy can be downloaded in Bahasa version here.

Kamis, 13 Februari 2020 10:33

Graduate Profiles

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Bachelor of economics who is able to understand the current development of economic theories and fundamental economic analysis; able to implement the theory and tools of analysis to find, understand, explain and formulate solution to economic problems based on scientific code of conduct, logic, systematic, and creative; able to utilize knowledge and skill in field of economics in workplace and in public services with attitudes and behavior in accordance to norms and regulations.

The graduate profiles describe the abilities as follows:





Economic Scientist

Bachelor of Economics who utilizes IT in analyzing economic problems, designing alternative economic policies, and evaluating applied development policies.


Economic Analysist

Bachelor of Economics who analyzes economic problems by using standard methods of economic science and IT advancement.


Economic Practitioner

Bachelor of Economics who applies economic science in evaluating available options to take strategic decision in daily life.


Economic Entrepreneur

Bachelor of Economics who applies economic principles in planning and managing business.


Economic Planner

Bachelor of Economics who designs development strategic by using planning methods based on economic rules.


Economic Researcher

Bachelor of Economic who examines economic problems procedurally: designed research framework, designed technic of taking data, managed and analyzed data, and report the result of research based on good writing rules.


Economic Bureaucrat

Bachelor of Economics who designs economic policy to national and regional progress.


Kamis, 13 Februari 2020 10:17

Brief History

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Universitas Andalas (UNAND) was established on September 13, 1956 in Bukittinggi – West Sumatra Province. The name of Andalas is due to its location in Andalas Island, the former name of Sumatra Island. UNAND is the first university in the island. UNAND is chaired by Rector assisted by four vice rectors: academic, finance, student, and collaboration affairs.

Today, the main campus locates in the high land named Limau Manih, approximately 12 km from Padang City, the capital of West Sumatra Province. UNAND has now 16 faculties that serve 4 diploma programs, 45 bachelor programs, 41 master programs, 10 doctoral programs, and 5 professional programs.

Faculty of Economics (Fekon) was established on September 7, 1957 and originally named School of Economics managed by Perguruan Tinggi Pancasila Yayasan Dewan (Pancasila Dewan Banteng Foundation College). Due to the political instability in the late 50s, which terminated the school’s operation, the foundation handed over the school to the Presidium of UNAND in 1959 to be part of the new university. On January 1, 1961 with Ministerial Decree No. PPK. 4/1961, Fekon officially became the 6th faculty of UNAND. However, Fekon maintains September 7 as its official dies natalis.

Fekon is chaired by the dean and assisted by three vice deans: academic affairs, financial and human resource affairs, and student affairs. Fekon has three departments: Department of Economics, Department of Accounting, and Department of Management. Each department is led by a Department Chair assisted by a Department Secretary. The department supervises undergraduate study programs (bachelor degrees) and post-graduate study programs (master degree and doctoral degree).

The Department of Economics was established at the same time as Fekon on September 7, 1957 as the first department in the Faculty of Economics. The department serves three study programs: undergraduate program in economics (UPE), master program in development planning, and PhD program in economics.

Rabu, 12 Februari 2020 09:51

Support Staff

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Academic and Administration


Attended Training

English Training at Brilliant English Course at Kediri, East Java - Indonesia, 9 - 15 November 2018

Services Excellent Training for Education Staff at 6 November 2019

Graphical Design Training for Education Staff at 13 January 2022

2 Days - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Educators at 23 - 24 December 2023



Information System 


Attended Training 

Services Excellent Training for Education Staff at 6 November 2019

Graphical Design Training for Education Staff 13 January 2022



Selasa, 11 Februari 2020 17:19

Academic Staff

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The name of the professor who has serve in Department of Economics Universitas Andalas

Prof. Dr. Soemitro Djojokusumo (University of Indonesia) (immemorial)

Prof. Hendra Esmara. (immemorial) (Tne Founding Father of the Economics and Development Planning in Indonesia)

The late Prof. Hendra Esmara, (Chinese: Ong Tek Bie), one of the founding fathers of the Economics Study Program and the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas. Born during the Dutch colonial era, 1935. He is an economist and Professor of Economics and Development Planning in Indonesia.

He completed his Bachelor of Economics from the University of Indonesia in 1961. After that, he continued his education at the Woodrow School of Public & International Affairs at Princeton University, and at the Regional Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania, United States of America. Because of his expertise, he was trusted to serve as Head of the Universitas Andalas Research Center. Hendra has also been an advisor to the Indonesian Minister of Trade. He has also been active as a member of the board of the Council of Asian Manpower Studies based in Manila, Philippines, and at the Association of Development Research and Training Institute of Asia and Pacific.

Prof. Hendra was the Presidium of Jambi State University (1962-1966), Head of the Research Team for West Sumatra Province (1968-1972). Advisor to the Minister of Trade for Regional Development Affairs
Head of Sub-Economic Division, Formulation, and Evaluation of the National Main Program for Research and Technology at the State Minister for Research and Technology. Director of the Regional Economic Research Institute (LPER), which is currently better known as the Center for Finance and Development Studies (PSKP), Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Padang.


Prof. Rustian Kamaluddin. (immemorial)

Prof. Mawardi Yunus. (immemorial)

Prof. Rasyiddin Muchtar. (immemorial)

Prof. David Schribber (University of Wisconsin US) (Finished)

Prof. Ronaldo A. Danao (University of the Philipines) (Finished)

Prof. Edita A. Tan (University of the Philippines) (Finished)

Prof. Dr. Mohd Sobri Ja'far (Universiti Utara Malaysia) 

Prof. Dr. Alfian Lains. (immemorial)

Prof. Syahruddin (immemorial)

Prof. Nurzaman Bachtiar (Pension)

Prof. Dr. Sjafrizal (Pensoin)

Prof. Dr. Fashbir Noor Sidin (immemorial)




A. Full-Time Lecturer:



Firwan Tan

Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., Institut National Polytechnique De Lorraine

Research interest: Development Planning, Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization, Innovation and Creative Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Firwan Tan is one of the Professors in the field of Industrial Economics in Indonesia. He was born in Kerinci, Jambi Province in 1953. Completed Bachelor of Economics at Andalas University, Master Program in Economics (Industry of Economics) at Thammasat University, Master Industrial System Engineering and Innovation at Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), UFR-GSL, and Ph. D in Industrial System Engineering at the Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine.

Prof. Tan was once a guest lecturer at  Institut National Polytechnique De Lorraine, France (2015) 

Prof. Tan has been the President Director of West Sumatra Venture Capital and has also served as the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency of Jambi Province. Prof. Tan is one of the initiators of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore Golden Triangle (IMS-GT) and Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) cooperation. This collaboration provides space for Indonesia to contribute to the Southeast Asian trade market.

Prof Tan since 2017 a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of SOCIOINT15-2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences

Prof. Tan presented at Conference on Social Sciences and Economic Studies, Conducted by Indonesian Embassy, 2018

Prof. In recent years, Tan has been the Chair of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University


 Syafruddin Karimi

Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., Florida State University US

 Research interest: Macroeconomic Theory, International Economics, International Trade, Poverty and Inequality, Economics of Resettlement

Curriculum Vitae

 Prof. Syafdruddin Karimi is a qualified Professor in the field of International Trade, born in 1954. Completed his Masters's in Economics at the University of the Philippines in 1983. Then continued his doctoral degree in Economics at Florida State University USA in 1995. During his studies in the US, he was the chairman of the Association of Indonesian Students - US (PERMIAS).

In 2016, Prof. Syaf presented research at International Symposium on improving policy and practice on return migration after a disaster, On the same year, he attended on Seminar Migration Due to the 2009 Earthquake in Padang West Sumatra, Indonesia at Tokyo University, Internasional at Hosei University, Japan 

Prof. Syafruddin has conducted a well-known research field regarding the Inter-Provincial Hydroelectric Power Plant Development Project, West Sumatra and Riau, this project is a collaboration between the Indonesian Government and JICA - Japan.

Previously he was trusted to be the Head of the Department of Economics, Andalas University, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. Furthermore, he was also the Director of Postgraduate Andalas University. Prof. Syaf has also been trusted as Chairman of the Indonesia Economist Association (ISEI) in Padang City.

Currently, Prof. Syafruddin is also trusted as a Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, and a Member of the Academic Senate of Andalas University


Werry Darta Taifur

Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., University of Malaya

Research interest: Macroeconomic Theory, Development Economics and Planning, Population Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Werry, a former Rector of Andalas University, is an expert in Economics and Development. He was born in 1960, graduated with Masters's at Flinders University Australia. Then completed the Doctoral Program in Economics, University of Malaya - Kuala Lumpur.

International Academic Activities

  1. 2nd International Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Faculty of Engineering, Andalas University, 30 September-1 October 2020 (Keynote Speakers) – International Webinar
  2. 2019 The World Bank Group-Asia Competitiveness Institute Annual Conference at Oei Tiong Ham Building, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, 19-19 November 2019
  3. Discussion on Presidential Power in Indonesia and The United States of America, The College of William & Mary, Virginia, USA, 4-9 September 2018
  4. Taiwan-Indonesia Higher Vocational Education President’s Forum, Mingchi University of  Technology, Taiwan, 12-17 November 2018
  5. 2017 The World Bank Group-Asia Competitiveness Institute Annual Conference on “Infrastructure Development for Economic Competitiveness, Jointly Organized by Asia Competitiveness The World Bank Group with Asia Competitiveness Institute (ACI)  at Lee Kuan Yew Scholl of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, 22-24 November 2017, Singapore
  6. Aptikom Global Exposure Education Expo and Joint International Conference in Taskent, Uzbekistan, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 27 May – 3 June 2016
  7. Ketua Delegasi Universitas Andalas Untuk Persiapan PTN BH, University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur),  ASEAN Institute of Technology dan The Halal Science Center, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 7-`12 Januari 2016
  8. The Delegation of Indonesian government as the Indonesian Education Delegation at the Invitation of the Provincial Government of Guang Xi and Guang Xi University - China 2015
  9. Attended the 7th Regional APUCEN Council Meeting in Australia in 2015.
  10. Presenter of The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Food, and Energy (SAFE2015): Fostering collaboration on Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Energy, in Vietnam
  11. Presenter at 2015 Annual Asia Competitiveness Institute Conference on “Competitiveness Rankin of Subnational Economics and Public Policy Studies in Greater China, India, Indonesia and ASEAN di Singapore

Previously Prof. Werry has also held the position of Head of the Center for Population Studies at Andalas University, Secretary of the Andalas University Development Planning Study Program. Then he became the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Resources at Andalas University. Then Prof. Werry was once trusted as a Member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Member of the Academic Senate of Andalas University, and Member of the Trustee of Andalas University. Currently, Prof. Werry was also trusted as the Chair of the Doctoral Program in Economics, Andalas University, and outside the campus was also given the mandate as Commissioner of PT Semen Padang. Prof. Werry has also been trusted as Chairman of the Indonesia Economist Association (ISEI) in Padang City.



Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., The Flinders University of South Australia

Research interest: Economics of Health and Education, Human Resources Economics, Social Experiment

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Elfindri, is an economist in the field of Human Resource Economics at Andalas University, born in O1962. He completed his Masters and Doctoral Program in Human Resource Economics at Flinders University Australia. Prof. Elfindri has written many books in the field of human resource economics and conducts research in the fields of education and health economics.

Prof. Elfindri was appointed as a Full Professor Eligibility Examiner on behalf of Noor Aisyah
Dump, Professor of Entrepreneurship at National University
Malaysia (SME), Bangi, Malaysia (2015)

Prof. Elfindri is also the Chair of the Andalas Sustainable Development Goal's (SDG's) Center which is currently active in cooperating with GIZ - Germany and the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia.

Since 2013, he a member of the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC BOARD OF International Conference of Education and Social Sciences (INTCESS) ISTAMBUL, Turkey.

Prof. Elfindri was an External Examiner of Ph.D. Student at Flinders University (2016),

External Examiner University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Malaysia, (2016)

Speaker at International Seminar, Kyoto, Japan (2016)

The 15 EAEA Confrence, Bandung 8-10 November 2016

Paper presented at SEAMEO Conferences in Bangkok, October, 21-22, 2014

Paper presented at SOCIO-INTECESS, Istambul, Turkey, September 8-10,

Prof. Elfindri was the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, then Head of the Andalas University Development Planning Study Program and Head of Region IX Coordinator for Private Universities - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia.


Nasri Bachtiar

Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., National University of Malaysia

Research interest: Labour Economics, Human Resources Economics, Economics of Migration

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Nasri Bachtiar is an expert in the field of Labor Economics at Andalas University. He was born in 1959. His Master's program was completed at the University of Indonesia - Jakarta, and Ph. D Program in economics at the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Prof. Nasri has held the position of Head of the Department of Economics at Andalas University. Then also served as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. Currently, he is trusted as a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Indonesian Employee Cooperatives - Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. in 2016, Prof. Nasri presented at International Conference with topic "Economic Analysis The Expansion Area in Sumatra Island, Indonesia" Kuala Lumpur



Professor of Economics (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., University of Selangor

Research interest: Development Economics and Planning, History of Economic Thought

Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Adrimas is one of the experts in the field of economics and development planning. He was born in 1951, completed his education • Bachelor of General Economics, Andalas University, 1978, then continued the Master's program in General Economics, Gadjah Mada University, 1982, and • Ph. D in Development Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2004.

Prof. Adrimas was once trusted as the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency, Payakumbuh City.



Professor of Economics (Full Time)

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Ph.D., The Flinders University of South Australia

Research interest: Statistics, Econometrics, Population Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Prof. Sofyardi who was born in 1957, is a Professor in Economic and Population Statistics. He completed his Masters and Doctoral education at Flinders University - Australia in the research field of Human Resource Economics.

Prof. Sofyardi has held the position of Executive Director of TPSDP which is a Program for Strengthening the Higher Education Development Capacity of Andalas University. In addition, he has also served as Chair of the Department of Economics, Andalas University


Hefrizal Handra

Associate Professor (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., The Flinders University of South Australia

Research interest: Local Public Finance, Government Expenditures, National Income Accounting, Government Revenue, and Taxation

Curriculum Vita

Dr. Hefrizal Handra is one of the experts and researchers in the field of Public Finance in Indonesia. Born in 1965. Completed his Bachelor's degree in Mathematics at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 1989. Then he worked for the company Astra Indonesia. After that, he joined as a lecturer at the Department of Economics, Andalas University. He continued his Master's Program in Social Science and Public Finance at Birmingham University United Kingdom (UK) in 1997. Then, he also continued his studies at the Doctoral Program in Public Finance at Flinders University Australia 2006.

The International Academic Activities who presented on Internasional Seminar Village Fund and Poverty Alleviation in Indonesia, A Presentation at Indonesia Study Group (ISG), The Indonesia Project, ANU - Australia (2018)

Dr. Hefrizal Handra is mostly engaged in research and studies on public finance. Previously he was on the assistance team of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia. Executive Board International Regional Science Association (IRSA), and Chief Regional Economist - Ministry of Finance for West Sumatra Province

Dr. Hefrizal Handra has also been trusted as Head of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. Vice-Rector for Cooperation Affair at Andalas University


Fery Andrianus

Associate Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Development Economics and Planning, Poverty and Inequality, Economics of Involuntary Resettlement, Economics for Agricultural Development

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Fery is an expert in the field of agricultural economic development at Andalas University. He completed his Masters in Economics at Gadjah Mada University - Jogjakarta and completed his education in agricultural development at Andalas University.

Previously, he served as Chair of the Andalas University Development Planning Study Program. Currently, he is the Deputy Dean for Finance and Resources, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. He has also served as Chairman of the Indonesia Economist Association (ISEI) for the Padang Region.

       M Nazer

Associate Professor (Full-Time)

Email: mnazerAlamat email ini dilindungi dari robot spam. Anda memerlukan Javascript yang aktif untuk melihatnya.d   

Dr., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Development Economics and Planning, International Economics

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. M Nazer is a lecturer and researcher in the field of international economics at Andalas University. Completed the Master's Program at the International University of Japan in Economics and the Doctoral Program in Economics at Andalas University.

Dr. Nazer previously served as secretary of the Department of Economics at Andalas University. Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University.



Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., University of the Philippines Diliman

 Research interest: Microeconomic Theory, International Trade, International Monetary Economics, Network, and Digital Economics, Economics of State and Market

Curriculum Vitae

   Dr. Indrawari is a researcher and lecturer in the field of economics. Completed his Master and Doctoral education in economics at the University of The Philippines. He has served as Chair of the Doctoral Study Program in Economics, Andalas University. Then he also served as Chair of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University.

Endrizal Ridwan

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington

Research interest: Microeconometrics, Economics of Microfinance, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Economics of Contracts and Incentives

Curriculum Vitae

  Dr. Endrizal is an expert and researcher in the fields of Microeconometrics, Economics of Microfinance, Experimental and Behavioral Economics, Economics of Contracts, and Incentives at Andalas University.

He has completed the Master of Economics Program at Australia National University in 2003, then completed his Doctoral education in Economics at Indiana University USA.

Currently, he serves as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. Previously, he served as Head of the Department of Economics, Andalas University. Head of the Doctoral Program in Economics, Andalas University.


Fajri Muharja

Lecturer (Full Time)

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Dr., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Development Planning, Macroeconomics Theory, Microeconomics Theory, Political Economics, Disaster Economics, Econometrics

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Fajri Muharja is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Economics - Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, Padang. Fajri completed his Doctoral Studies in Economics (S3) at the Postgraduate Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, the University of Indonesia in 2018. Previously, he had participated in an internship on disaster management at the Global Disaster Resilience Center University of Huddersfield UK in 2015. Fajri has also completed undergraduate education at Andalas University in 2000, Masters Program in Development Planning at Andalas University in 2001-2004. Then he attended the Postgraduate Program at Thammasat University Bangkok Thailand in 2009.

His current field of study is related to Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Political Economics, Development Economics, and Disaster Economics.

Previously, he was trusted as Secretary of the Doctoral Program in Economics, Andalas University 2019, Then he was entrusted as Secretary of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University, and currently is the Head of the Department of Economics, Andalas University.

In professional organizations. Dr. Fajri is also trusted as a member of the Indonesia Economist Association (ISEI) Padang City (2018-2022), The Member of the Executive Board of the Indonesia Regional Science Association (IRSA). Chief Regional Economist for Ministry of Finance at West Sumatra Province. Currently, he is also trusted as the Head of the Association for Management of the Indonesian Economics Study Program (APSEPI) 2021-2024

The research collaboration carried out in recent years is on Economic Growth and the Covid 19 Pandemic with Bank Indonesia (2019). Then Local Electronification of Local Government Financial Transactions with Bank Indonesia (2020), Leading Commodities, Products, and Types of Business (KPJU) in West Sumatra Province (Bank Indonesia, 2021).


Zulkifli N

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)


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Dr., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Poverty and Inequality, Economics for Agricultural Development

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Zulkifli N is a Lecturer and Researcher in Agricultural Economics at Andalas University. Completed the Master's Program education at Syah Kuala University, Banda Aceh in 1998. Then completed the Doctoral Program in Economics at Andalas University in 2017.

Previously Dr. Zulkifli once served as head of the Andalas University Bachelor of Economics Study Program. Currently, he is the Chairman of the Center for Financial and Development Studies (PSKP) Faculty of Economics, Andalas University (PSKP). This institution conducts more Project and Research collaborations in the field of Public Finance and Development Planning at both local and national levels


Neng Kamarni

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Airlangga

Research interest: Islamic Microeconomics, Islamic Macroeconomics, Islamic Social Capital, Sharia Banking, Fiqh for Economic Affairs

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Neng is a lecturer and researcher in Islamic Economics at Andalas University. He completed his Master's program in development planning at Andalas University in 2003. Then completed his Doctoral education in Islamic Economics and Business at Airlangga University - Surabaya 2019.

Currently, he is trusted as the Chair of the Andalas University Master of Economics Study Program. Previously, he served as the head of the Andalas University Bachelor of Economics Program.


Edi Ariyanto

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Diponegoro

Research interest: Human Resources Economics, Economics of Health and Education, Economics of Insurance, Banking & Economics Finance

Curriculum Vitae

  Dr. Edi was born in 1974, completed the Master of Development Planning program at Andalas University in 2005. He continued his doctoral study in economics at Diponegoro University - Semarang and graduated in 2020. His current research fields are Banking and Economics Finance.

Currently, he is the Secretary of Andalas SDG's Center and is actively involved in collaborative activities with GIZ Germany. Previously Dr. Edi once served as Head of the Economics Study Program in English class



Sri Maryati

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Gender Economics, Development Economics, Islamic Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Sri is a researcher in the field of Human Resources Economics. He completed his Masters Program in Economics at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta. Then also completed his Doctoral Program in Economics at Andalas University in 2017.

Currently, Dr. Sri holds the position of Secretary of the Center for Financial and Development Studies (PSKP) Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. This institution conducts more Project and Research collaborations in the field of Public Finance and Development Planning at both local and national levels





Febriandi Prima Putra

Lecturer (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Diponegoro

Research interest: Economics of Microfinance, Industrial Economics, Cooperative and Pancasilanomics, Economics of Information and Uncertainty

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Febriandi is a researcher in the field of Economics at Andalas University who studies a lot about Entrepreneurship Economics and Small and Medium Enterprises. He completed the Master Program in Development Planning at Andalas University in 2010 and Completed the Doctoral Program in Economics at Diponegoro University - Semarang

Currently, Dr. Febriandi serves as Secretary of the Doctoral Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University. Previously, he served as Head of the Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University



Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Poverty and Inequality, Economics of Natural Disaster, Economics for Agricultural Development

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Sosmiarti is a lecturer and researcher at Andalas University who is more interested in researching Rural Development Economics. Dr. Sos graduated from the Master's Program in Development Planning at Andalas University in 2001 and completed his Doctoral education in agricultural development at Andalas University in 2017.

Currently, Dr. Sosmiarti is the head of the Village Development Project and Humanitarian Program of the Independent Task Force for Learning Independent Campus (MBKM) Andalas University


Delfia Tanjung Sari

Lecturer (Full-Time)

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Ph.D., University of Huddersfield, UK

Research interest: Education Management, Human Resources Economics, Qualitative Research Methodology

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Delfia is a researcher and lecturer at Andalas University who focuses on the field of Human Resources economics. Dr. Delfia completed the Master's Program in Development Planning at Andalas University in 2004. Then completed the Doctoral Program in Educational Development at the University of Huddersfield United Kingdom (UK) in 2017.

Currently, Dr. Delfia is an assistant for planning - Vice Chancellor for Cooperation at Andalas University. Previously Dr. Delfia has held the position of Head of the Bachelor of Economics Study Program in English class, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University



Assistant Professor


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Dr., Universitas Hasanuddin

Research interest: Green Economics, Statistics

Curriculum Vitae

  Dr. Maryanti is a researcher and lecturer at Andalas University. His current field of study is environmental economics. Dr. Yanti completed the Master of Science Program in Integrated Natural Resource Management, Asian Institute Technology Thailand-Andalas University, Degree awarded in 2012. Then completed Doctoral Degree in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia, Degree awarded in 2020.

Latifah Hanum

Associate Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Research interest: Statistics, Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Latifah, an expert in environmental management, was born in 1956. Completed her Masters' degree at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) and continued her doctoral program at the State University of Jakarta in the field of Environmental Management.

Dr. Latifah has held the position of Secretary of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Andalas University



Associate Professor (Full-Time)

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Dr., Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol

Research interest: Fiqh for Economic Affair

Curriculum Vitae

  Dr. Izharman, is a researcher and lecturer in the Department of Economics who is majoring in Islam and Economics. He completed the Master and Doctoral Program in Islamic Religion at the State Islamic University - Imam Bonjol.

Elvina Primayesa

Lecturer (Full-Time)

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Dr. Universtas Diponegoro

Research Interest: Calculus for Economics, Urban and Regional Economics, and Development Economics

 Curriculum Vitae



Dr. Yesa as a researcher and lecturer at Andalas University specializing in Regional Economics. Dr. Yesa has completed the Master of Development Planning Program at Andalas University in 2010. Furthermore, Dr. Yesa completed his Doctoral education in Economics at Diponegoro University, Semarang.

Currently Dr. Yesa with Prof. Elfinri, Dr. Edi is involved in the collaborative program of the Andalas SDG's Center with GIZ-Germany and the National Development Planning Agency (BAPPENAS) of the Republic of Indonesia


Yulia Anas

Assistant Professor (Full-Time) 

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Dr (cand)., Universitas Padjadjaran

Research interest: Population Economics, Economics of Health and Education, Development Economics and Planning

Curriculum Vitae


Betty Uspri



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Dr(Cand)., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Monetary Economics, Macroeconomic Theory

Curriculum Vitae


Wahyuni E. Marinda

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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MS., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Economics of Insurance and Actuarial Science, Gender Economics, Economics of Natural Disaster

Curriculum Vitae



Amra Ausri

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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MSi., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

Curriculum Vitae



Leli Sumarni

Assistant Professor (Full-Time)

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MSi., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Statistics, Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics, Green Economics

Curriculum Vitae






Associate Professor (Full-Time)

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MS., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics, Economics of Regulation

Curriculum Vitae


Abdul Karib

Assistant Professor



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M.Sc., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics, Green Economics

Curriculum Vitae



Yusrizal Yulius

Assistant Professor



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MA., The Flinders University of South Australia

Research interest: Population Economics, Qualitative Research, Location Theory

Curriculum Vitae


Laksmi Dewi

Assistant Professor



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MSc., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Development Economics and Planning, International Economics

Curriculum Vitae




Assistant Professor



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MSc., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Location Theory, Regional Economics, Development Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Abdul Khaliq

Assistant Professor


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MA., University of Hawai’i at Manoa

Research interest: Macroeconometrics, Game Theory, Economics of Democracy, Machine Learning in Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Rini Rahmadian

Assistant Professor


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MSE., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Monetary Economics, Central Banking, Macroeconomic Theory

Curriculum Vitae


Yessy Andriani

Assistant Professor


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MIDEC., Australian National University

Research interest: Monetary Economics, International Monetary Economics, Central Banking, Macroeconomic Theory

Curriculum Vitae






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MSi., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Cooperative and Pancasilanomics, Applied Microeconomics

Curriculum Vitae


Arie Sukma



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MSc., University of the Philippines Los Banos

Research interest: Microeconometrics, Microeconomic Theory, Economics of Insurance and Actuarial Science, Machine Learning in Economics

Curriculum Vitae


Hadi Rahadian



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MSi., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Statistics, Islamic Economics, Sharia Banking

Curriculum Vitae


Wempie Yuliane



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MSc., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Research interest: Regional Economics, Economics of Transportation, Natural Resources Economics, Economics of Mineral and Energy

Curriculum Vitae


Besti Novianda



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MSE., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Macroeconomic Theory, Optimal Control Theory, Applied Econometrics

Curriculum Vitae


Indah Maya Sari



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MSi., Universitas Andalas

Research interest: Labor Economics, Public Finance, Government Expenditure, Government Revenue, and Taxation

Curriculum Vitae


 Adila Adisti



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MEc., International Islamic University Malaysia

Research interest: Islamic Microeconomics, Islamic Macroeconomics, Sharia Banking, Fiqh for Economic Affairs

Curriculum Vitae


Ratih Ramadhani



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MSE., Universitas Indonesia

Research interest: Labor Economics,  Macroeconomics, Population Economics, Microeconometrics

Curriculum Vitae






Melinda Noer

Profesor of Development



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Ph. D, institute Teknologi Bandung

Research Interest: Regional Development, Agriculture Planning, Development Planning

Curriculum Vitae




Profesor of Mathematics 



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Ph. D, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Research Interest: Linear Programing, Mathematics-Economics, Statistics

Curriculum Vitae




Davy Hendri

Assistant Professor



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Ph. D, Universitas Indonesia

Research Interest: Crime Economics, Qualitative Research Methods, Macroeconomics

Curriculum Vitae





Dodi Devianto

Assistant Professor



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Ph. D, Ibaraki University, Japan

Research Interest: Probability Theory, Statistics 

Curriculum Vitae


Doni Satria

Assistant Professor



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Ph. D, Universitas Indonesia

Research Interest: Monetary Economics, Banking, and Environmental Economics

Curriculum Vitae




























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