In accordance with one of the missions of the Department of Economics, Andalas University "To Carry Out Community Services for Social Empowerment". Lecturers and students of the Department of Economics carry out community service activities to Nagari (village) Mungo - Limapuluh Kota Regency, West Sumatra Province with Village Government Apparatus Empowerment activities in a workshop to strengthen the capacity of preparing medium-term village planning documents. This activity was followed by a field visit to one of the largest cattle breeding centers in West Sumatra. October 9, 2021

The Head of the Department of Economics at Universitas Andalas was elected by acclamation as the General Chair of the Indonesia Economics Studies Programs Management Asociation (APSEPI) 2021-2024 at the VIrd APSEPI Congress in Malang City, East Java - Indonesia, November 6, 2021. The congress was attended by all Heads of Departments/Heads of Departments/Heads of Higher Education of Economics Study Programs. originating from Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua. This association is a forum for the department of Economics in Indonesia to build cooperation between universities to strengthen capacity in developing curriculum, research, and community service. Previously this organization was chaired by Dr. Teguh Dartanto, whose 2016-2021 term of office has ended from the University of Indonesia - Jakarta


For response to the market needs for Islamic Economics and Business today. The Department of Economics conducted a comparative study of the curriculum at the Indonesian International Islamic University (IIU) in West Java - Indonesia on November 29, 2021. The delegation from the Department of Economics at Universitas Andalas consisted of the Vice Dean Finance and H & R of FEUNAND Dr. Fery Andrianus, Head of Economics Department Dr. Fajri Muharja, and the Head of the Master of Economics Study Program, Dr. Neng Kamarni and students had an in-depth curriculum discussion with the IIUM Rector Prof. Dr. Komaruddin Hidayat, Dean of FEBI IIIU Dr. Dian Masyitah and several other UII lecturers. The discussion discussed the importance of collaborating in the curriculum field between study programs in order to strengthen the capacity and competence of both students and lecturers in the field of Islamic Economics and Business.

Jumat, 07 Januari 2022 07:21

Experimental Economics Workshop

In order to strengthening the capacity and competence of lecturers and students in the field of research methodology, the Department of Economics, Andalas University held an Experimental Economics Workshop by presenting Prof. Bambang Juanda, Ph. D from IPB University - Indonesia. This workshop was attended online by more than 110 students and lecturers of the Department of Economics. This activity will be held on Thursday, January 6, 2022

Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Andalas held a Curriculum Workshop with the theme of Curriculum Integration, research roadmap, and community service which was held on November 23, 2018, with Dr. Teguh Dartanto. This workshop aims to provide strengthening the capacity building and innovation to the curriculum for the Department of Economics that can respond to global changes in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This activity was attended by Lecturers and Students of the Department of Economics, Universitas Andalas. This activity also involved lecturers of the Department of Economics at public and private universities in West Sumatra including Padang State University, Universitas Bung Hatta, Universitas Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin Solok, and STIE Haji Agus Salim Bukittinggi.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2022 21:12

Mapping Intended Learning Objectives

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Selasa, 11 Januari 2022 18:32

Vision and Mission Master of Economic

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Menjadi program magister terkemuka di Asia Tenggara yang menghasilkan magister ekonomi yang berkarakter mandiri dan berdaya saing global pada tahun 2028.


  1. Melaksanakan Proses Pembelajaran untuk menghasilkan tamatan yang memiliki kompentensi di bidang ilmu ekonomi yang memahami konsep dan teori ekonomi secara mendalam yang berdaya saing global dan mampu mengembangkan keilmuan serta mengaplikasikan secara mandiri.
  2. Mendorong dan mempromosikan kegiatan penelitian, pengabdian kepada masyarakat, kajian dan publikasi ilmiah di bidang Ekonomi serta tanggungjawab sosial demi kepentingan masyarakat dalam rangka menunjang pembangunan ekonomi nasional dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi.
  3. Menjalin dan memperluas kerjasama yang mampu membina dan mengembangkan kemitraan institusional, baik nasional maupun internasional dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas lulusan.


To become a leading Masters Program in Southeast Asia that produces Masters in Economics with Independent Character and Global Competitiveness in 2028.


  1. Carry out the Learning Process to produce graduates who have competence in the field of economics who understand economic concepts and theories in depth who are globally competitive and are able to develop science and apply independently.
  2. Encourage and promote research activities, community service, scientific studies and publications in the field of Economics and social responsibility for the benefit of the community in order to support national economic development by utilizing advances in science and technology.
  3. Establish and expand cooperation that is able to foster and develop institutional partnerships, both nationally and internationally in an effort to improve the quality of graduates.

Educational Objectives (EOs)

EO-1 : Analyse comprehensive concept and principles of economic science to solve economic problem.

EO-2 : Demonstrate good ethics and communication skills in written, oral and graphical analysis to effectively communicate economic argument and policy recommendation, contribute optimally in multidisciplinary perspective to solve economic problems.

EO-3 : Evaluate local and global economic events and new economic ideas


Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) 

ILO-1 : Able to analyse theory and application of economics in solving and making economic decisions and analysis techniques and methodologies of economic risk in national and global contexts.

ILO-2 : Able to compare and criticize microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory concepts and formulate and provide recommendations for alternative solutions to economic problems. 

ILO-3 : Able to analyse and criticize economic concepts and theories for development planning.

ILO-4 : Able to interpret the implications of the development or application of science and technology by applying human values according to their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures, and ethics.

ILO-5 : Able to develop innovative thinking in the context of developing or applying science and technology that pays attention to and involves human values according to their field of expertise.

ILO-6 : Able to analyse and criticize human resource concepts and theories for  sustainable economics in national and global contexts.

Table Mapping of the Educational Objectives and Intended Learning Outcomes

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Educational Objectives (EO)


EO 1

EO 2

EO 3



































FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION (FGD), Development of the Curriculum of the Department of Economics FE UNAND in response to RI 4.0 and Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) with Stake-holers: TNP2K Office of the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Dr. Ardi Adji), Bank Indonesia - Jakarta ( Dr. Imaduddin Sahabat), SMERU Institute (Dr. Asep Suryahadi), PT. Asuransi Bangun Askrida (Abdul Mulki) and the Indonesian Embassy in Chicago, United States of America (Jorrie Andrean, SE, MSc.). Together with lecturers and the Academic Community of the Faculty of Economics, UNAND, 10 July 2021.


Some important notes from the meeting were that graduates of the Department of Economics, FE UNAND, whether they were Bachelor programs, Masters Programs, and Doctoral Programs in Economics needed to strengthen competence in the field of science in accordance with developments in the global context, able to respond to changes in community needs for economic development.

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